Friday, February 17, 2006

She's learning to TP early!

When things get quiet, I start to get nervous. And Macy had climbed up the stairs and gotten very quiet. So, I put down the book I was reading and followed her up there to find...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Dog's Best Friend

"Puppy? Puppy? Puppy?" It was all we heard from Macy for the first fifteen minutes at Kristin and Darrell's Saturday night. Their miniature schnauzer (I had to look up the spelling for that one), Emmitt, kept Macy ocupied for the next two and a half hours. And I dare say Macy held Emmitt's attention just as well. Each had to know where the other was at all times. If Macy had a toy... Emmitt wanted it. If Emmitt had a toy... Macy wanted it. They took turns chasing each other, jumping on each other, and stealing toys. Interestingly, puppy toys and baby toys are really not that different - Fisher Price would be wise to open up their marketing to pet owners as well. Emmitt was the hands down winner of the jumping, stealing and chasing... but Macy didn't mind. Her constant squeals and giggles of delight gave her away.

At one point all four adults were sitting at the table talking and we heard Macy giggling around the corner. She was laughing hysterically for such a long time that we finally got up to see what was going on. Macy was flat on her back with Emmit hovering over her licking her face and nipping at her pantlegs. Sheer joy for this one-year-old.

She woke up this morning saying, "puppy? puppy?"

Winter Wonderland

Waking up to a beautiful snow covering Saturday motivated us to walk about a mile to Solomon's Porch for a warm Chai Tea.

We picked up some friends along the way - Newlyweds Keith and Eve Jagger.

Macy's favorite thing about the snow (or as she says, "shshshshshsh")... eating it! By the handful!


To see a recent picture of Jeremy go here. Turn on your volume and get into the groove.

Let Jeremy know what you think of his new look!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Macy gives a 'shout out' to the Buckles


thank you great grandma and grandpa Buckles for the valentines day present. daddy said I could go ahead and open it early. i pointed at my picture on the string of hearts and said, "bebe!" then I pointed at your picture on the string of hearts and said, "puppy!"

Mommy thinks I recognized you (and she's right) because we look at your picture all the time and mommy says your names to me. But I can't say them yet, so when I don't know a word for something... I just say "puppy". It's my catchall.

Mommy let me take my morning nap with the new monkey you sent me. I can repeat the word 'monkey' after my mom and dad, but I think it sounds more like "mowmee" for right now until I get a little better at speaking.

Well, I'm tired now and ready for my nap... but I just wanted to say thank you (I can repeat that word too, but it sounds more like 'tattoo'!!)



Thursday, February 09, 2006

What have I done?!

I waited as long as I could, but finally cut Macy's bangs. It seemed pointless to pay for a haircut when it was just a few small hairs. But what I wasn't ready for was a squirmy little girl - making even a few small hairs tricky to get. It's the new toddler style... the "I cut it myself" look. Jeremy isn't back from class so we'll see what his reaction is.




Monday, February 06, 2006

Baby Sign Language

Macy's unsatiable appetite to interact and communicate is limited to about 15 words and... now... about five signs. Many of them her own personal interpretation of American Sign Language, she has mastered six signs now (night-night, water, food, all-done, more, thankyou).

Macy's sign for water...
(looks like an Indian whoop complete with the actual 'whoop')

Macy's request is fulfilled...

Macy's sign for thankyou.

Macy is Walking...

in our limited apartment space Macy manages to keep herself busy walking...

to and fro....

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Nosy Neighbor

You know. The ones you catch out of the corner of your eye peeking through the curtains.

And in apartment living, there is always something to see; which is better than prime time television to Macy. She's the nosiest neighbor in the hood, climbing on her stool by the kitchen window to see what everyone is up to. Next thing you know, she's busy chattering away to the harried mom leaving for work, the single guy taking out his trash, and the young couple getting their mail. They can't hear her, of course, but that doesn't stop her.

And then there's the thrill of seeing the neighborhood cat wandering around, brushing itself up against car tires and front porches - which elicits from Macy a pointing finger and wild screams of delight punctuated by her word for cat, "maow, maow."

Macy Update

She's talking...

She's walking...

She's loving...

Growing more affectionate each day, she periodically pauses her nonstop activity for a quick cuddle. Here she leans in for a kiss from her daddy.

(pictures taken at Shaker Village where we were treated to a birthday breakfast by my [Andrea's] dad)